Sunday, 19 November 2017


  • Fluxus experience  - Hannah higgins
  • Fluxus the history of an attitude - Owen F smith
  • Notes from the underground: zines and the politics of alternative culture - Stephen duncomb
  • Post digital print - Alessandro Ludovico
  • Meggs history of graphic design - Phillip p meggs  
  • Visible language issues 39+40
  • The fluxus reader -  Ken Friedman



Dick Higgins 
Hannah Higgins 
george macinus 
John cage  
Ken friendman 


Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Post Digital Print book

After rethinking my question due to it being to big a subject I decided to look more closely into publishing I was particularly interested by the history most specifically movements within that history that used publishing as its medium. I came across a publication called post digital print which examines the mutation it believes print is currently going through. I was particluar intrested by chapter 2 A history of alternative publishing in this there was a recurring theme of 'intermedia' and 'fluxus'.

'another art movement, arguably one of the most influential to our current communication-driven mediascape' - Ludovico, Alessandro

"In these carefully designed objects, produced in limited
editions that were in fact quite cheap to make, the printed components
(brochures, leaflets, flip books, maps, playing cards, etc) were always
an integral part of the concept." - Ludovico, Alessandro

expanding consciousness"

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Human centred design

in and effect to contextualise and add theory to my themes of diversity and inclusion I came across human centered design.

Possible case study
Arguements against human centred design