Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Research - underestimating print

print magazine featured
Looking at this article I saw reasurance that print has a big presense and permanace which can be replicated by digital it also informed at Communication managers now have to approach their publishing and communications message with a multi-platform strategy. 'There is a stronger value to something that is tangible and tactile. It is likely to be browsed through at a time of the reader’s choice; it may be partly read and read again later. It may be read and tidied onto the book shelf along with your other issues, to be referred back to when needed. Your audience is more likely to return to it than digital content. A strong print publication can be reinforced with social media to engage your community and create conversation.'But, because you can guarantee that you will send that person a copy of your magazine, Print is still the best way to communicate with your members and readers. Amongst the noise this is one content vehicle that is guaranteed to be seen by members, and picked up and consumed at youraudience’s convenience. Don’t underestimate the power of your print magazine.' in addition to this the printed magazine has a pad

It goes on to state that 'When a new technology platform is launched is goes through an experimentation and adaptation phase.' This backs up points I have made within my essay on print having to adapt.' Interactive digital magazines and membership apps can act in tandem with your print. For example if you want to only reach women in the Midlands to join a live Twitter chat on pensions, a post-it note style tip-on, complete with hash tags can be placed in the print version. You are encouraging use of both mediums in an interactive and engaging way.' This suggests that intreative magazines have a place within print to create more enhanced content. and attract the right audiences.  

'It is not a comprehensive approach to refer to a digital communications strategy alone. A viable communications plan is an integrated communications plan; after all both print and digital are the written word. Both have their strengths for particular situation, but print is still the most effective tool to reach your members. It can drive traffic to your social media channels, and it can start conversations.'
Finaly it is stating both is needed as both have there benefits, which I have talked about throughout. 

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