Friday, 1 December 2017

Fluxus Expeirence quotes

Fluxus Experience 

Keyword/Quotes/First thoughts


In fluxus there has never ….. very usefull. P70 – George brecht  


From the latter perspective, the work of fluxus conforms to an argumentative logic: that is, it demonstrates a particular (illogical) point of view. P 70 – Hannah higgins  


Whether you think …. Agrees with you” p 74 –george brecht The media however only presented one view of fluxus. Exclusively with the demonstartors. 
 Times mag said ‘ the opening .. ‘Fight the rich man’s snob art’ The nation did a similar spread ‘they ar against the rich … “
 This positions fluxus as a ‘politically motivated, centrally organized, anti art group’  - Maciunas called a common front. 


manifesto, published and distributed but never signed or agreed to by fluxus artists’ p75  

Against Mac

There was a large amount of fluxus artists againsjt macs ideas of what it was. Quote – Jackson  mac low “im not….like museums” p 77 others send mac similar responses and mac reponsed with a passive aggressive quote I can find on p 77

Fluxus Faces

Some where against the links to the avande garde, fluxus has a few faces. With mainly maciunas being seem. 

Matei Calinescu  

Is fluxus neo avande garde? In the sense of matei calinescu p 81 

 Avant garde

The way fluxus has been see through exhibitions and museums is a validated form of avande garde activism. That is consitant with macuinas P80  

Avant Garde

Quote – calinescu “rest … destruction” p81 dogmatism, ideological self assertion, intolerance of nuances, occasional purges and a linear time line belong to fluxus. Allowing it to be described avande garde 

Fluxus Unamable

‘Is something unnamable’ p83 – George brechts This looks at fluxus as something which is still open. Allowing fluxus to be spoken of as what is happening rather than what has happened.
Higgins talks about cage having philosophical influence over sevral of the fluxus mebers. Which corresponds with events and flux kit.


“To accept whatever comes’ John cage p83

John cage

Information on John cage is on p83 if I need a decription of him. His work in zen budism and philsophys from this transferred over to flux events example being Wind music (1963). Principles being direct sensory perception of everyday llife and the sense of connectness to the world that results, and in a commitment to attain that sense of connectness by using what is at hand…. The event cards are like about being present quite cool concept. 

 John Cage

John cages ideas on p84 Is what lead to dick Higgins making the intermedia circle accordind gto his daughter. ‘experimental freedom’ is the idea
 Experimental composition class is : Brecht, Kaprow, Hansen, Higgins, Maclow and Florence tarlow.

Prints importance

Higgins P91 ‘Print was of particular impotance” after talking about the vast works fluxus created. Then introduces dick Higgins press  


P91 – Idea was borrowed from Samuel Coleridge (1812)
“in the field between genral idea of art media and those of life media”

“between Media” basically 


P93 talks about how intermedia is unstable but prescise  



Intermedia between art and life (art,music,theatre) & (spontaneous decisions, the relationship to the environment, and the physical parametes within which the work occurs)  

Anti - art

People tend to follow maciunas narrow linear model of fluxus. He ignored the element fo expiernce which Higgins thinks is the defining aspect of fluxkits& events.

He suggests maciunas propagated his ideas through demostrations and advertisements. By doing this he aligned the name with avande garde anti art rhetoric of no skill required and revolutionary iconoclasm.p 98
 Avant Garde
Higgins suggest that fluxus being associated with avande garde has prevented it from being properly written into history. P 99.

P118 information on Alyson knowls publications as conceptual art.  

he artist book movement of the seventies was spurred on in great part by Dick Higgins’ Something Else Press -

Maciunas Flux Post Kit 7, in which work by Watts, Filliou, Ken Friedman, and James Riddle contain the seeds that would germinate the international mail art movement. Cheaply produced multiples, and their international self-distribution, have also influenced the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) ethos



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