Monday, 26 October 2015

Study Task 3 - Reading and Understanding a Text

Tone of Voice: For post modernism

5 Key Points:

- Portal building (1982) was postmodern architectures first major monument
- modernism had never been the dominant force in british graphic design
- There is no reason to believe post modern came to a sudden halt in 1990
- Wolfgang Weingart was a seminal figure in the development of the 'new wave' which became Postmodernism
- British new wave was identified with youth culture and pop music as designers tended to position themselves outside professional mainstreams

5 Key Quotes:

- 'Post modern style is hybrid, double coded based on fundamental dualities'
- 'The 1970s was marked by the rise of the corporate style in communications design and the subsequent enfeeblement of imaginative activity'
- 'I dont consider graphic design to be an opportunity to advance art forms. it has to advance the clients interest'
-'The whole memphis idea is oriented toward a senosry concentration based on instability on provisional representation of provisional states and of events and signs that fade, blur, fog up and are consumed'

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