Monday, 24 April 2017

End of module Evaluation

Overall This project did not go perfectly, I rushed into my essay to quickly which lead to a lot of confusion. Next time around I would definitely read and plan for double the amount of time I did this time. I managed to read back through lots of books and as I started my practical my essay seemed to become more clear to me. I would also aim to get more feedback next time around I believe this is what my module on a whole probably lacked the most. I wrote down questionnaire's but next got around to making them. I think that with the questionnaires I could have justified my points much easier and drawn more links. However, I actually learnt an extremely large amount from this project and enjoyed learning about the different theories and philosophies. I think my future design practice will definitely be informed by some of the processes I have learnt.  I think I will also continue with certain parts of my practical outcome after some more development to create something slightly different. I would like to take the montage concept further maybe using randomly generated images. IN conclusion the project did not go as smoothly as I maybe would have liked but then I dont feel like I could of learnt much more than I did so overall i am very happy with the module.

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