Saturday, 22 April 2017

Fanzines and the internet


Distribution of graphic design work within the punk era happened mainly through fanzines and record sleeves this was because it was the cheapest and most accesible way. The Diy ethos lead to a huge rise in indepdent record labels, This created an entire new marketplace for record sleeves, it was the begining of a boom. A new approach to music images and visuals on the front of 7inchs instead of just the logo. These platforms where perfect for designers to get there work seen as the records would travel around the country and even possible out the country. The rise of punk influences designers to speak out and gave the working class a voice against higher class art students. Now anybody could design you didnt need training or money because postmodernism was on the horizon and rules where thrown out the window. Fanzines where also becomeing a popular method of sharing ideas and work often made in small batchs with a strong DIY ethos behind the movement. This same fanonomon happened again but this time in the form of digital over analog. fanzines have now become a trend and much more effort and price consuming than to just simply share your ideas and beliefs online. This shows the evolution of the DIY ethos to fit into contemporary culture. The internet is widely more accessible than a zine as its even easiewr now for anybody to have ago as it can litraly be cut and paste, image to blog, work to social media. So what can be concluded is the method of distribution has changed but it bares same DIY ethos made popular with the punk movement it is just 40 years older.   

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