Sunday, 28 January 2018

Evaluation of essay and practical


I learnt an extremely large amount from researching, mainly about different movement ranging from Dada to surrealism. I also learnt lot about the 60’s movements and am very interested in exploring this further for extended practice. I was particularly interested in super studio utopian architecture. I also learnt a lot about the internet and organisations that are out their attempting to understand internet culture this is another topic I find extremely interesting and would like to explore further. I feel like my writing skills improved dramatically by the end of the project which is really helpful for emailing and applying for a internship. 

I really struggled with quite a lot of this module as I have difficulty when trying to explain myself and writing in general, this could be due to my dyslexia. I put myself at an extremely large disadvantage by deciding to write an essay on Fluxus something I knew nothing about. However, I do not regret this decision in the end because I felt it pushed me to explore a large amount of areas and learning about topics I would usually not explore. It also has made me more aware of my choice of subject which will hopefully lead to much better-chosen briefs for extended practice. 

If I was to change anything about my essay It would be to pay more attention and time to theory such as ‘the medium is the message’ and ‘Culture industry’. I would have also liked to explore 60’s graphic design slightly more. 

In terms of practical I learn quite a lot of basics on software I had never used before, which has influenced me to explore them more within extended practice possible a small amount of programming. I improved how to explore ideas fast and efficiently through feedback. I struggled however with keeping record of my work progression and being organised particularly within computer files, at times having 16 different essays types or posters documents saved in multiple places. I would have liked to have a full in depth ‘about’ page on my animation however I will do this within extended practice and use this as a portfolio piece. Time management in general is something I must improve on for extended practice. I am pleased with how different this project seems to be from other peoples.  

Monday, 22 January 2018

Chance Aesthtic - Exploration

Chance Aesthtic - Exploration 

As I can not code this I used some orginal techinques from Dick Higgins Chance publication but with my own interitation. So all posters are made completly by chance. So the images are selected through a key word the others are comepletly random. Focuses on the thoery of chance that is used within much of the fluxus work I create a poster completly from chance. The method was rolling 3 sets of numbers , 1 to decide image, one to decide gride space and one to decide size. This would be generated through the my website concept, it would emphasis the anti aesthtic of Fluxus as well as give every user to become the artist. This is a super unconventional approach to graphic design comepletly going against rules and traditons, this is in true fluxus spirit. 

Chance Aesthetic - Research

Chance Aesthtic - Research 

After speaking to elliot who questioned wether I could push this idea of an online exhibition further I began to think about other thoerys which had been the back bone of fluxus. One of these was chance a charcteristic of the dada movement and made accible to Fluxus through John Cage. The idea of chance questions the need for an artist is removes all ego. This I thought was an intresting concept to explore as what happens when you give full autonomy over to chance. In this case through the media of the internet this lead more in depth research of chance within the intertnet. What I found was booming use of generative code within design.

What is chance?

Chance can be seen as a liberating source of unforeseen possibilities or a threatening force that could undermine human self sufficiency and moral self determination.


'Hello Internet. It has been awhile since Barcelona, where we spoke about the retro-future-classic #CacheMonet and how we gave birth to some of our favorite projects including our most recent offering to the physical and digital worlds, #SimplifyThatShit.'

Blank Architects 

A graphic design firm created a visual identity for blank architects from generative coding pieces all very well informed from the firms process. 

'Blank is a group of Russian architects located in Moscow that needed a new identity and website. The logotype consists of an international and timeless typography and an icon that is both modern and classic. The icon is an abstract representation of two architectural expressions; One expressive, curved, organic (B), and the other more straight, solid and functional (A). We use it as an emblem, a signature to reinforce the human approach of Blank. The idea of the identity was to focus on the name Blank as the idea of perfection, as in the quote by Samuel Beckett: 'At the end of the day, my last work will be a Blank piece of paper'. As a result, we created a minimalist identity and website that is functional and clear, combined with more progressive and creative ideas. The generative design were developed with the purpose of emphasising key aspects of Blank's architectural and creative approach, helping them attract new projects not only by references and finished output, but also by their attitude and principles towards their discipline. Each composition reacts to the character count of a given quote, and has been developed for use in both print, web and installation context.'

Casey Reas

Reas' software, prints, and installations have been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions at museums and galleries in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Recent venues include the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Art Institute of Chicago. Recent commissions have been awarded by the New World Symphony in Miami and the Whitney Museum of American Art. Reas' work is in a range of private and public collections, including the Centre Georges Pompidou and the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Generative Coding 

A new phrase of generative coding within product design could revolutionise the way we design. This is the handing over of creativity to the machine.


This company is like the fluxus of the internet.

Website Front Page - Development

Research + Layout WireFrame

Avant-Garde Page Layout 

For some of the Grid styles, I reffed back to some of the original avant-garde layout. They are often reference back to from the graphic design of Fluxus and as I am building this concept in the spirit of Fluxus I felt this was appropriate. 

Layout 1 

  • This layout does not allow for panels to overlap but they can align next to each other. 
  • It follows a pattern of image text, image text. 
  • Content is aligned left. 

Layout 2

  • Content panels can overlap the grid system is built from this idea of layers. 
  • Panels are placed across the entire space. 
  • Structures follows principles of chaos and with a postmodern aesthetic 

 Layout 3

  • Content Panels make good use of white space following a structure of text, images.
  • This is a more rational layout, with modernism disciplines of order and structure  

Layout 4

  • This layout uses panels throughout with a semi-flat design giving content more depth 
  • It will follow rational structure 
  • Inspired by contempary archiving website nuke

Layout 5

  • Inspired from 1920's avant garde page layout that has appropriated various cinematic themes 
  • Using scale, Juxtaposition and superimposed planes
  • The Grid is visible and used aesthetically to lay out the images. 

Layout 6

  • Emphasis on randomness 
  • No rules at all 
  • Beautiful Mess 


Module Evaluation

In evaluating the OUGD module I will look at what I have learnt, how this has benefited me and how I could improve next around, this is looking at the modules overall. The cop module this year was a steep learning curve for me my chose of topic created boundary’s and obstacles which I had to push through. However, I feel I have come out the other side with more knowledge than before starting Cop. The module had allowed for me to excel my skills within research and writing, It how allowed me to grasp complex subjects I would not usually engage with. Examples of theory’s I think my knowledge had increased in would be Dadaism, surrealism, Avant-garde, Culture industry and the Medium is the massage. Room for improvement would definifty be my time management and untilmatly beginning the project earlier lots of my time was spent changing from topic to topic which in the end worked against me rather than with me.

Essay + Practical Evaluation