Sunday, 28 January 2018

Evaluation of essay and practical


I learnt an extremely large amount from researching, mainly about different movement ranging from Dada to surrealism. I also learnt lot about the 60’s movements and am very interested in exploring this further for extended practice. I was particularly interested in super studio utopian architecture. I also learnt a lot about the internet and organisations that are out their attempting to understand internet culture this is another topic I find extremely interesting and would like to explore further. I feel like my writing skills improved dramatically by the end of the project which is really helpful for emailing and applying for a internship. 

I really struggled with quite a lot of this module as I have difficulty when trying to explain myself and writing in general, this could be due to my dyslexia. I put myself at an extremely large disadvantage by deciding to write an essay on Fluxus something I knew nothing about. However, I do not regret this decision in the end because I felt it pushed me to explore a large amount of areas and learning about topics I would usually not explore. It also has made me more aware of my choice of subject which will hopefully lead to much better-chosen briefs for extended practice. 

If I was to change anything about my essay It would be to pay more attention and time to theory such as ‘the medium is the message’ and ‘Culture industry’. I would have also liked to explore 60’s graphic design slightly more. 

In terms of practical I learn quite a lot of basics on software I had never used before, which has influenced me to explore them more within extended practice possible a small amount of programming. I improved how to explore ideas fast and efficiently through feedback. I struggled however with keeping record of my work progression and being organised particularly within computer files, at times having 16 different essays types or posters documents saved in multiple places. I would have liked to have a full in depth ‘about’ page on my animation however I will do this within extended practice and use this as a portfolio piece. Time management in general is something I must improve on for extended practice. I am pleased with how different this project seems to be from other peoples.  

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