Module Evaluation
In evaluating the OUGD module I will look at what I have
learnt, how this has benefited me and how I could improve next around, this is
looking at the modules overall. The cop module this year was a steep learning
curve for me my chose of topic created boundary’s and obstacles which I had to
push through. However, I feel I have come out the other side with more
knowledge than before starting Cop. The module had allowed for me to excel my
skills within research and writing, It how allowed me to grasp complex subjects
I would not usually engage with. Examples of theory’s I think my knowledge had
increased in would be Dadaism, surrealism, Avant-garde, Culture industry and
the Medium is the massage. Room for improvement would definifty be my time
management and untilmatly beginning the project earlier lots of my time was
spent changing from topic to topic which in the end worked against me rather
than with me.
Essay + Practical Evaluation
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