Tuesday, 26 April 2016

End of module evaulation

In my practical piece for this module I created a interactive zine to showcase how tech such as an apps can be used to enhance a readers experience and attract a larger audience. I chose to use interactive content as primary research showed 79.3% of participants in my survey would be more interested in a magazine which used interactive content. The zine also demonstrates how this could work for adverts, as well as being an example of how magazines can be produced much easier in the digital era, which is a great thing as it allows much more than just designers to experiment with editorial design. The zine is created to follow a simple modernist style to make everything easy to read and follow, Its only 8 pages each using a 4 by 4 grid for layout. The size chosen is so it can fit onto 2 sheets of a4 to keeps produce costs down, but by using 200gsm matt paper still creates a premium feel. The content is taken from its nice that and the front covers are a attribute to some of the most iconic magazine covers, to represent the power of magazine covers. As research showed a fall within advertisers investing into magazines and newspapers I wanted to show new ways magazines could look at using adverts in the future to bring in new advertising revenue. As well as this I wanted to show what publication could do alongside digital and how this could be a direction more magazines start to go in the future. However after producing this piece I learnt there are downfalls to interactive content one being price, as It was £30 for 30 days this would result in a more expensive magazine which could in turn push up retail prices. Consumers may not be willing to pay extra, it also makes it a much harder option for small publishers. In addition to this my primary research found not a lot of people owned the app layar which I used for the interactive content. Another thing is It takes away from the print, My research showed that people enjoy print for being print, Tangibility is key something you don’t get when using layar. However this is in relation to the image show reel other aspects such as the links could be extremely attractive to readers or advertisers. It has the possibility to be applied to lots of different print media for example it would work great in a clothing catalogue. Another aspect I thought it was great in was for advertising and is definitely a direction I think we will be seeing print adverts going in the near future. The possibility’s for this could be endless this is why I created a snap chat concept version to show how the augmented reality could be adapted with apps more people use. Overall I wanted to show print can adapt to digital a argument of mine throughout my essay. 

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