Thursday, 21 April 2016

Research - Survey

Befor I began my practical I wanted to collect some date on how people felt how advertising within different areas of media. I wanted to answer is print advertising still effective? and if not what is more effective? The questions are asked are shown below. I sent this out to peers within my class however I do see that this only shows the options of young creatives, This will be taken into account on my final piece.

Looking at my results I can see that the two most used forms of media are social media & the internet. However advertising within the internet is taken the least notice of whereas social media is the second most trusted. With print being the most trusted. social media is also rated first to have the most advertising presence. What this information tell me is print seems to be the most trusted source of advertisement however it is not used as much as the internet or social media. However this is does not mean it does not play a vital role within companies marketing mix. To prove print media should work alongside digital media I will create a series of print advert concepts which will work within magazines but take advantage of social media as this seemed to be one of the most popular medias for advertising. 

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